Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kinda new to this.

But I'll give it a shot.

The name is Rebecca. I usually go by Becca, or what I prefer B. It's short, and simple, which describes me to a T. I am short, lol, but a very simple person. I want this to be therapeutic for me actually. I write from time to time, but there is never a real purpose behind it. It comes out as a just because, or just to do. I want to really use writing as I've seen others done, a release. A redemption. emancipation. liberation. I want to get lost while I write, go on a journey. And when I arrive back in my chair, where it all started, I want to be able to relive the journey by reading my words. I am so stuck on being content with others writing, that I don't care to do it myself. I don't want to be content with just reading what is on everyone else's mind, and their life experiences.

It's my time. My turn. The Virgo shall speak. Brace yourselves.


She W0rd Hustlez said...

I am SO bracing myself for this Virgo to speak! I've been waiting for you to open that mouth for so long. I can't wait to see how much you've grown and in how many ways. Welcome to the blog world!

socialedisturbed. said...

cute blog